$ java8 $ java -version java version '1.8.0_162' Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_162-b12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25. bash_profile for the aliases to take effect. Oracles free, GPL-licensed, production-ready OpenJDK JDK 17 binaries for Linux, macOS, and Windows are. Mac OS is a computer operating system developed by Apple.This is a operating system with beautiful interface, however, to own a the computer of Apple with this operating system, you need to use a lot of money, normally with the double price than that of common computers using Windows operating system.Fortunately, you can experience the Mac OS right on your computer by installing a Mac OS. export JAVA_8_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.8) export JAVA_11_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v11) alias java8='export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_8_HOME' alias java11='export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_11_HOME' # default to Java 11 java11 Download and install the latest open-source JDK.
$ brew cask install java Switching versionsĪdd the following aliases to.
Install a specific version of the JDK such as java8, java10 or java for the current.
Find locations of previously installed Java JDK: $ /usr/libexec/java_home -V Matching Java Virtual Machines (1): 1.8.0_162, x86_64: 'Java SE 8' /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_162.jdk/Contents/Homeįind the location of a specific Java version using -v: $ /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8 /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_162.jdk/Contents/Home Install with HomeBrewĢ.